Comprehensive Care for
Peyronie’s Disease

Understanding Peyronie’s Disease

At Dr. Amjad Alwaal’s Urology Clinic, we recognize the complexities of Peyronie’s disease and are dedicated to providing advanced, compassionate care. This page aims to offer insights into Peyronie’s disease, its impact, and the treatment options available.

What is Peyronie’s Disease?

Peyronie’s disease is a condition characterized by the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis, leading to curved, painful erections. Factors contributing to Peyronie’s disease can include:

• Physical Trauma: Injury to the penis, often during sexual activity.

• Genetic Factors: A family history of Peyronie’s disease may increase risk.

• Age and Health Conditions: More common in middle-aged men and those with certain health conditions.

Symptoms often include a noticeable curve or bend in the penis, pain during erections, and difficulty with sexual intercourse.

Diagnosing Peyronie’s Disease

Diagnosis is crucial for effective management and may involve:

  • Physical Examination: To assess the degree of curvature
    and palpate any scar tissue.
  • Penile Ultrasound: To visualize the scar tissue and assess blood flow.
  • Photographic  Documentation: To monitor changes in curvature over time.

Treatment Options at Our Clinic

Treatment for Peyronie’s disease is tailored to the individual and may include:

  • Medications: To reduce pain or affect the development of scar tissue.
  • Collagenase (Xiaflex): Collagenase (Xiaflex) or other
    agents directly into the scar tissue.
  • Surgical Options: For severe cases or when other treatments have failed, including penile straightening or implant surgeries.


      Our approach focuses on reducing symptoms, improving sexual function, and addressing the psychological impact of the condition.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are experiencing symptoms of Peyronie’s disease, we encourage you to reach out. Dr. Alwaal and his team are ready to provide expert care and support. Contact us at 973-972-2400 or book your appointment online.