Amjad Alwaal Research

Pandher M, Song A, Mahajan J, Srinivasan N, Berg C, Fernandez G, Chang C, Medina C, Alwaal A, Weiss R. "Characterization of Genital Injuries Secondary to Foreign Bodies from 2011 – 2020". Investigative and Clinical Urology, 2023.

Pandher M, Fernandez G, Alwaal A. “Presentation, Management, and Outcomes of Penile Fractures”. Journal of Men’s Health, 2023.

The Outcomes of Pelvic Fracture Urethral Injuries Stratified by Urethral Injury Severity: A Prospective Multi-Institutional Genitourinary Trauma Study (MiGUTS). Urology, 2022.

McCormick BJ, Keihani S, Hagedorn J, Selph JP, Figler BD, Johnsen NV, da Silva RD, Broghammer JA, Gupta S, Miller B, Burks FN, Eswara J, Osterberg EC 3rd, Carney KJ, Erickson BA, Gretzer MB, Chung PH, Harris CR, Murphy GP, Rusilko P, Shridharani A, Benson C, Alwaal A, Blaschko SD, Breyer BN, Amend GM, McKibben M, Elliott SP, Schwartz IW, Simhan J, Vanni AJ, Moses RA, Myers JB. “A Multi-center Prospective Cohort Study of Endoscopic Urethral Realignment Versus Suprapubic Cystostomy after Complete Pelvic Fracture Urethral Injury: Comparison of EUR versus SPT after PFUI”. J Trauma Acute Care Surg (2022).

Pandher M, Song A, Mahajan J, Srinivasan N, Berg C, Fernandez G, Chang C, Medina C, Alwaal A, Weiss R. “Characterization of Pediatric Genital Injuries Due to Consumer Products From 2011 to 2020”. Urology (2022).

Alwaal A, Lue TF. “Extra-Tunical Grafting for Indentation and Hourglass Deformity”. AUA news (2022).

Alwaal A, Awad M, Boggs N, Kuzbel J, Snoad B. “Sexual Health Inventory for Men (SHIM) Questionnaire as a Screening Method for Erectile Dysfunction in the General Urology Clinic”. Sexual Medicine (2020).

Alhajeri F, Alwaal A, Soebadi MA. “Etiology, Epidemiology, Demographic Differences in Urethral Strictures: A Worldwide Perspective”. Book chapter in: Textbook of Male Genitourethral Reconstruction, (2020).

Alahmari A, Alwaal A. “Total involvement of penis, scrotum and pubis by giant melanocytic nevus: A unique presentation”. Urology Case Reports (2019).

Alahmari A, Mansouri M, Alwaal A. “Complex Anal Fistula Involving Male Genital Tract: A New Diagnostic Entity”. BMJ Case Reports (2019).

Alwaal A, Jensen JC. “Robotic Dorsal-Onlay Urethroplasty: A Case Report”. West Virginia Medical Journal OA (2018).

Reed-Maldonado AB, Alwaal A, Lue TF. “The Extra-tunical Grafting Procedure for Peyronie’s Disease Hourglass and Indent Deformities”. Translational Andrology and Urology (2017).

Alwaal A, AlSayad AJ. “Utilization of Penile Prosthesis and Male Incontinence Prosthetics in Saudi Arabia”. Urology Annals (2017).

Alwaal A, Lue TF. “Therapeutic Prospects of Stem Cells in Benign Urological Conditions”. Book chapter in: Advances in Stem Cell Therapy, pp.77-93 (2017).

Awad M, Osterberg EC, Chang H, Gaither TW, Alwaal A, et al. “Urethral catheters and medical malpractice: a legal database review from 1965 to 2015”. Translational Andrology and Urology (2016).

Gaither TW, Allen IE, Osterberg EC, Alwaal A, et al. “Characterization of Genital Dissatisfaction in a National Sample of U.S. Men”. Archives of Sexual Behavior (2016).

Alwaal A, Harris CR, Awad MA, et al. “Comparison of Complication Rates Related to Male Urethral Slings and Artificial Urinary Sphincters for Urinary Incontinence: National Multi-Institutional Analysis of ACS-NSQIP Database”. International Urology and Nephrology (2016).

Breyer BN, Fandel TM, Alwaal A, et al. “Comparison of spinal cord contusion and transection: functional and histological changes in the rat urinary bladder”. BJU International (2016).

Osterberg EC, Awad MA, Gaither TW, Sanford T, Alwaal A, et al. “Major genitourinary-related bicycle trauma: Results from 20 years at a level-1 trauma center”. Injury (2016).

Li H, Wang L, Alwaal A, et al. “Comparison of Topical Hemostatic Agents in a Swine Model of Extremity Arterial Hemorrhage: BloodSTOP iX Battle Matrix vs. QuikClot Combat Gauze”. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2016).

Alwaal A, Tian X, Huang Y, et al. “Female sexual function following mid-urethral slings for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence”. International Journal of Impotence Research (2016).

Harris CR, Osterberg EC, Sanford T, Alwaal A, et al. “National Variation in Urethroplasty Cost and Predictors of Extreme Cost: A Cost Analysis with Policy Implications”. Urology (2016).

Liu B, Lee YC, Alwaal A, et al. “Carbachol-induced signaling through Thr696-phosphorylation of myosin phosphatase-targeting subunit 1 (MYPT1) in rat bladder smooth muscle cells”. International Urology and Nephrology (2016).

Awad MA, Alwaal A, Harris C, et al. “Transurethral Unroofing of a Symptomatic Imperforate Cowper’s Syringocele in an Adult Male”. Case Reports in Urology (2016).

Osterberg EC, Gaither TW, Awad MA, Alwaal A, et al. “Current Practice Patterns among Members of the American Urological Association for Male Genitourinary Lichen Sclerosus”. Urology (2016).

Alwaal A, Sanford TH, Harris CR, et al. “Urethral Stricture Score is Associated with Anterior Urethroplasty Complexity and Outcome”. Journal of Urology (2016).

Wang J, Lin G, Alwaal A, et al. “Kinetics of Label Retaining Cells in the Developing Rat Kidneys”. PLoS One (2015).

Alwaal A, Breyer BN, Lue TF. “Normal male sexual function: emphasis on orgasm and ejaculation”. Fertility and Sterility (2015).

Harris CR, Alwaal A, Yang G, et al. “Adult Ureterocele Presenting with Ureteral Obstruction and Urosepsis During Pregnancy”. Urology Journal (2015).

Blaschko SD, Gaither TW, Alwaal A, et al. “Lichen Sclerosus Comorbidities and Complications from a National Sample of Patients Treated with Urethroplasty”. Urology Practice (2015).

Alwaal A, Harris CR, Hussein AA, et al. “The decline of inpatient Penile Prosthesis Over the Ten-Year Period, 2000-2010”. Sexual Medicine (2015).

Alwaal A, Al-Qaoud TM, Haddad RL, et al. “Predictive Validity of the ProMIS Hybrid Simulator in a Urology Residency Training Program”. World Journal of Minimal Access Surgery (2015).

Hussein AA, Alwaal A, Lue TF. “All about Peyronie’s disease”. Asian Journal of Urology (2015).

Zaid UB, Bayne D, Harris CR, Alwaal A, et al. “Penetrating trauma to the ureter, bladder, and urethra. Current Trauma Reports (2015).

Bayne D, Zaid UB, Alwaal A, et al. “Lower genitourinary tract trauma”. Trauma (2015).

Alwaal A, McAninch JW, Harris CR, Breyer BN. “Utilities of Split-Thickness Skin Grafting for Male Genital Reconstruction”. Urology (2015).

Harris CR, Alwaal A, Zaid UB, et al. “Lupus cystitis presenting with urinary symptoms”. Urology Annals (2015).

Selekman RE, Harris CR, Filippou P, Chi T, Alwaal A, et al. “Validation of a Visual Prostate Symptom Score in Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in a Health Safety Net Hospital”. Urology (2015).

Alwaal A, Harris CR, Enriquez A, McAninch JW, Breyer BN. “Healing of donor-site buccal mucosa urethroplasty”. Urology (2015).

Alwaal A, Hussein AA, Lin CS, Lue TF. “Prospects of stem cell treatment in benign urological diseases”. Korean Journal of Urology (2015).

Alwaal A, Al-Qaoud TM, Haddad RL, et al. “Transfer of skills on LapSim virtual reality laparoscopic simulator into the operating room in urology”. Urology Annals (2015).

Zaid UB, Hawkins M, Wilson L, Ting J, Harris C, Alwaal A, et al. “The cost of surveillance after urethroplasty”. Urology (2015).

Blaschko SD, Harris CR, Zaid UB, Gaither T, Chu C, Alwaal A, et al. “Trends, utilization, and immediate perioperative complications of urethroplasty in the United States: data from the national inpatient sample 2000-2010”. Urology (2015).

Alwaal A, Wang L, Zaid UB, et al. “Case series of lipid accumulation in the human corpus cavernosum”. Medicine (2015).

Zhang X, Alwaal A, Lin G, et al. “Urethral musculature and innervation in the female rat.” Neurourology and Urodynamics (2015).

Lin G, Alwaal A, Sun F, et al. “Estrogen attenuates TGF-β1 induced elastogenesis in rat urethral smooth muscle cells by inhibiting Smad response elements”. Journal of Urology (2014).

Gaither TW, Truesdale M, Harris CR, Alwaal A, Shindel AW, Allen IE, and Breyer BN. "The Influence of Sexual Orientation and Sexual Role on Male Grooming‐Related Injuries and Infections." The Journal of Sexual Medicine (2015).

Alwaal A, Hussein AA, Zaid UB, and Lue TF. "Management of Peyronie's Disease after Collagenase (Xiaflex®)." Current drug targets (2014).

Alwaal A, Zaid UB, Lin CS, and Lue TF. "Stem Cell Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction." Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (2014).

Lin G, Alwaal A, Zhang X, Wang J, Wang L, Li H, Wang G et al. "Presence of stem/progenitor cells in the rat penis." Stem cells and development (2014).

Blaschko SD, Sanford MT, Schlomer BJ, Alwaal A, Zaid UB, Yang G, Villalta JD, Wessells H, McAninch JW, Breyer BN. “The incidence of erectile dysfunction after pelvic fracture urethral injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis,” Arab Journal of Urology; 2014.

Alwaal A, Zaid UB, Blaschko SD, Harris CR, Gaither TW, McAninch JW, Breyer BN. “The incidence, causes, mechanism, risk factors, classification, and diagnosis of pelvic fracture urethral injury,” Arab Journal of Urology; 2014.

Zaid UB, Alwaal A, Zhang X, Lue TF. “Surgical Management of Peyronie’s Disease,” Current Urology Reports; 2014 Oct;15(10):446.

Alwaal A, Blaschko SD, McAninch JW, Breyer BN. “Epidemiology of Urethral Strictures”. Translational Andrology and Urology; 2014 Oct;15(10):446.

Alwaal A, Azhar RA, Andonian S. “Percutaneous Holmium Laser Fulguration of Calyceal Diverticula,” Case Reports in Urology; 2012:716786.

Alwaal A, Al-Mannie R, Carrier S. “Future Prospects in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: Focus on Avanafil,” Drug Design, Development, and Therapy; 2011;5:435-43.