Robotic Simple Prostatectomy: Advanced Care for Prostate Enlargement

Leading-Edge Treatment for Prostate Enlargement

Dr. Robert Weiss’ Urology Clinic is at the forefront of offering minimally invasive surgical options for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), including the state-of-the-art robotic simple prostatectomy.

What is Robotic Simple Prostatectomy?

Robotic simple prostatectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to remove the inner part of an enlarged prostate gland causing urinary symptoms. This technique leverages robotic technology to enhance precision, flexibility, and control during surgery, leading to improved outcomes and faster recovery times compared to traditional surgery.

Benefits of Robotic Surgery for BPH

  • Minimally Invasive: Smaller incisions mean less pain and quicker recovery.
  • Enhanced Precision: Robotic arms provide greater accuracy than traditional surgical methods.
  • Reduced Blood Loss: Improved surgical techniques minimize bleeding.
  • Quicker Return to Daily Activities: Most patients experience a faster return to normalcy.

Is Robotic Simple Prostatectomy Right for You?

This procedure is typically recommended for men with significantly enlarged prostate glands causing bothersome urinary symptoms that have not responded well to medication. Factors considered include:

  • Size of the prostate
  • Severity of symptoms
  • Overall health and medical history

The Procedure

Robotic simple prostatectomy is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon controls robotic arms equipped with surgical tools to remove the enlarged part of the prostate. The precision of the robotic system allows for careful dissection and preservation of important anatomical structures.

Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery from robotic simple prostatectomy generally involves a short hospital stay. Patients can expect to use a catheter temporarily as they recover. Most men notice significant improvement in urinary symptoms and overall quality of life following recovery.

Schedule Your Consultation

Discover how robotic simple prostatectomy can provide relief from the symptoms of BPH. Contact Dr. Weiss’ clinic at 973-972-2400 or book an appointment online for a comprehensive evaluation.