Scrotoplasty: Expert Care
for Scrotal Health

Understanding Scrotoplasty

Welcome to our dedicated section on Scrotoplasty at Dr. Amjad Alwaal’s Urology Clinic. This surgical procedure aims to correct or improve various conditions related to the scrotum, enhancing both function and appearance.

What is Scrotoplasty?

Scrotoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves the modification or reconstruction of the scrotum. It’s commonly performed to address issues such as:

• Elongated Scrotum: Which can cause discomfort or functional problems.

• Scrotal Tightening: To adjust the size or shape of the scrotum.

• Reconstructive Needs: Post-injury.

This procedure can significantly improve comfort, appearance, and self-esteem for many men.

Is Scrotoplasty Right for You?

Scrotoplasty may be recommended for individuals who experience physical discomfort or dissatisfaction with the appearance of their scrotum. During your consultation, we’ll discuss:

  • Your specific concerns and goals.
  • Medical history and any previous scrotal surgeries.
  • Overall health and lifestyle.

The Scrotoplasty Procedure

Performed under anesthesia, Scrotoplasty involves:

  • Reshaping or removing excess scrotal skin.
  • Adjusting the size or position of the scrotum for a more natural appearance.

● Ensuring minimal scarring and preserving scrotal function.

The procedure duration varies depending on the complexity and goals of the surgery.

Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery from Scrotoplasty generally involves:

  • A brief period of rest and limited activity.
  • Managing discomfort with prescribed medication.
  • Follow-up visits to monitor healing and ensure optimal outcomes.

Most patients can return to their normal activities within a few weeks post-surgery.

Schedule Your Scrotoplasty Consultation

To explore how Scrotoplasty can improve your comfort and confidence, contact Dr. Alwaal’s clinic at 973-972-2400 or schedule an appointment online.