Vasectomy and Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal: Family Planning Solutions

Vasectomy: A Safe and Effective Family Planning Option

At Dr. Amjad Alwaal’s Urology Clinic, we offer vasectomy services as a reliable method of permanent contraception. This minimally invasive procedure is a safe and effective way for men to take control of their reproductive health.

What is a Vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure that involves cutting and sealing the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles. This prevents sperm from mixing with the semen, effectively leading to sterility.

Benefits of Vasectomy:

  • Highly effective form of contraception.
  • Minimally invasive with a low risk of complications.
  • Can be performed under local anesthesia.
  • No significant long-term effects on sexual performance or pleasure.

Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal: Restoring Fertility

For men who have undergone a vasectomy and wish to restore their fertility, Dr. Alwaal’s clinic offers microsurgical vasectomy reversal. This advanced procedure reconnects the vas deferens, allowing sperm to once again be present in the semen.

What is Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal?

Microsurgical vasectomy reversal is a delicate procedure that requires advanced surgical skills and precision. It is performed under a microscope to ensure the highest accuracy and effectiveness.

Considerations for Reversal:

  • The length of time since the vasectomy.
  • Overall health and fertility factors.
  • Individual and partner reproductive goals.

The Procedures


  • Typically completed in under 30 minutes.
  • Recovery time is usually a few days.
  • Mild discomfort post-procedure is common.

Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal:

  • More complex and takes several hours.
  • Performed under general anesthesia.
  • Recovery period is longer, with most men returning to normal activities within a few weeks.

Schedule Your Consultation

Whether considering a vasectomy or interested in vasectomy reversal, Dr. Alwaal and his team are here to provide comprehensive care. Contact us at 973-972-2400 or book your appointment online for a personalized consultation.